How to Keep Your Baby Safe During a Newborn Session


As a new parent, the safety of your little one is always top of mind. So, when it comes to booking a newborn photoshoot, it’s only natural to wonder—is newborn photography safe? The answer is yes, as long as the photographer is experienced and knows how to handle babies properly. At Blue Photo by Gabriela, safety is always my top priority, and I ensure every session is calm, secure, and enjoyable for both you and your baby.


Respecting Baby’s Comfort

When working with newborns, safety isn’t just about taking a good photo, it’s about making sure your baby is happy and comfortable throughout the session. Since babies can’t communicate verbally, I pay close attention to their body language. If they’re squirming or uncomfortable in a pose, we adjust immediately. Your baby’s comfort always comes first, and I work closely with parents, explaining every step of the process to ensure you’re confident that your baby is in good hands.


Safe Newborn Posing

Even with the simplest, most natural poses, I’m always aware of your baby’s safety checking their temperature, skin tone, and comfort throughout the session. Those adorable newborn poses can be tricky, but they should never come at the expense of your baby’s safety.  My style is simple, capturing your baby in a natural way, without forcing unnatural poses. Please be aware that there may be poses I refuse to do for safety reasons.

Supporting the neck and head is a crucial aspect of newborn safety. Babies don’t have control over their neck muscles yet, and their heads, being the heaviest part of their bodies, are wobbly. Their little vertebrae aren’t fully developed, so they need constant support. I always make sure your baby’s head is secure and well-supported at all times, whether I’m holding them or you are.

For more styled shots, safety comes first. Sometimes, I’ll ask a parent to stay close by or even keep a hand on the baby for extra security. I also use Photoshop to combine multiple images so that your baby is always fully supported, even in the most creative setups. Safety is never compromised for a photo.


The Safest Newborn Poses

Here’s a list of the safest newborn poses, which prioritise the baby’s comfort and safety:

  • Wrapped in (Swaddled): The baby is securely wrapped in a swaddle or a blanket, creating a cosy and natural look. This is one of the safest and most comfortable poses for newborns.
  • Back Pose: The baby lies on their back on a soft surface, allowing for easy adjustments while keeping them supported and relaxed.
  • Side-Lying Pose: The baby is gently positioned on their side, with proper head and neck support. This pose mimics a natural sleeping position and is ideal for capturing calm, peaceful shots.
  • Tummy Time Pose: The baby lies on their tummy with proper head support, usually on a soft beanbag or blanket. This position is comfortable for short periods and can create adorable shots of the baby resting.
  • In Parents’ Hands: The baby is held in a parent’s arms or hands, providing security and warmth. This close contact ensures the baby is safe and allows for beautiful family interaction shots.
  • Close-Up Details: Focus on capturing small details like hands, feet, or facial features without needing to move or adjust the baby significantly.


Outfit changes

This can sometimes be a bit tricky. Newborn babies are not dolls, so we can’t constantly change their outfits. I recommend limiting outfit changes to a maximum of two. We can always use wraps as well. However, it depends on your baby, if your baby is comfortable with frequent changes, I’m happy to accommodate.


The Importance of Cleanliness

Your baby’s health is a top priority. I maintain a clean and sanitised environment, washing all props and fabrics before every session. Even pre-COVID, I followed strict hygiene protocols, using hand sanitiser regularly and postponing sessions if I was feeling unwell. Ensuring a germ-free space is essential since newborns have sensitive immune systems.


Camera Safety

Camera safety is another priority. Many of the images are taken while I’m positioned directly above the baby. I always ensure that my camera is secured with a strong strap around my neck or wrist. You might not realise it, but the camera and lens are actually heavier than a newborn, so securing the camera is essential to prevent any accidents.


Keeping Props Safe

I prefer minimal props in my newborn sessions, focusing instead on simplicity. However, when using wraps, blankets, or any soft materials, I ensure they’re safe and nothing is too tight, and always monitoring the baby’s hands and feet to make sure they stay a healthy pink.

For those who do prefer baskets or other containers, I always check surfaces to make sure there’s nothing that could harm your baby. Smooth, soft, and stable are key. Every detail is double-checked to avoid any accidents.


How I Keep Your Baby Comfortable

I take my time, making sure the baby is calm, settled, and never forced into a pose they’re uncomfortable with.  If your baby isn’t happy with a particular position, we move on. It’s all about keeping your baby happy, relaxed, and safe throughout the session.

Of course, babies have that special “sixth sense” and tend to get a bit fussy when something’s different but don’t worry, I’m used to it. Crying or being unsettled happens in nearly every shoot, so there’s no need to stress. We’ll take breaks as needed to accommodate your baby’s needs.


Letting Your Baby Lead

Newborns have their own preferences and personalities, even at a few days old. Some babies love to be swaddled, while others prefer stretching out. I adapt to each baby’s needs rather than forcing them into uncomfortable poses. This natural, baby-led approach not only keeps them comfortable but also results in peaceful, authentic photos that capture who they are in these early days.


Clear Communication with Parents

I understand the nervousness that can come with handing your newborn over to someone else. I ensure that you’re always comfortable, and I handle your baby with the utmost care. I explain what I’m doing, what poses we’ll try, and how I’m ensuring your baby’s safety. This way, you can relax and enjoy the experience, knowing your baby is in safe hands.


A Relaxing Experience for Everyone

A relaxed environment is key to a successful newborn photoshoot. I create a peaceful, slow-paced session, taking breaks when needed. Babies sense the energy around them, so if we stay calm, they tend to stay calm too. Plus, I’m always close by whether the baby is on a beanbag or in your arms, I’m within arm’s reach to ensure their safety.


Proper Training Matters

Safety is not just something I’ve picked up over the years but it’s something I’ve been trained in. Since 2017, I’ve completed numerous courses in newborn photography and safety to make sure I’m always up to date with best practices. This training allows me to handle and pose newborns confidently, ensuring they’re always secure and comfortable.

When you choose Blue Photo by Gabriela, you’re not just getting beautiful photos but you’re getting peace of mind knowing your baby is in safe, experienced hands. Whether you want simple, natural shots or a few creative poses, you can rest assured that safety is the top priority.